When did you start writing? What made you first decide to try your hand at it?
I started writing April 2021. I wrote a blurb for what was supposed to be a fake book and an April Fools Day joke. What was your first published work? What do you think of it now? The Prophecy of the Water Sprite is my only published novel, and I think I did really well for a debut novel...and really a first story ever written. Even in high school I drew a picture instead of writing a 1000 word short story in English class. How do you balance writing with your personal life? I don’t really balance it well, I go all in on the writing when the muse is working. I remember I had a 14 hour day during the first drafting of The Prophecy of the Water Sprite. Do people you actually know make appearances in your stories? No, I didn’t make anyone I know into the fictional characters, though I think there are traits that I pull from them. Do family members or friends help with your writing? Your marketing? No, I wish I had even friends that helped. But I currently just have a few acquaintances— that are working their way to friends I hope— that I have met from being on ARC and Beta teams, they help with random ques5ons that I don’t seem to be able to find answers for on my own. Do you have stories you want to write that you haven’t yet? Yes. I currently have ideas jotted down for at least 5 stories. One of which I have already started writing! And two that are not “in my lane” but I will write them anyway! Is there a story you’re afraid to write for some reason? Why? The 3rd story I had an idea form for is contemporary, and I am a bit afraid of not hittng the mark with it. Without having magic and fantastical things to keep from painting myself into a corner, I might have a hard time with the realism of it all. Do you ever target differing age groups or demographics with your writing? I am not targeting anything. I figure there are enough other writers already doing that, if I keep mine the way my brain produces them, I hope the originality will win over everything else. Have you ever written non-fiction? If so, what? No. Never actually wrote a story—at all—prior to the Prophecy of the Water Sprite. Are you a ‘normal’ person who likes to write, or do you consider yourself more of the tormented/driven ‘artist’ type? Pretty sure I am not normal, but I don’t feel like I am the latter of that either. Do you drink? Why or why not? Rarely. I have too many alcoholics in my life, and I see the damage it causes. Are you married? How does being a writer affect that? Has your marriage affected the way you write love stories? I am not Married, but I have been with my Guy for almost 20 years. He is constantly jealous of the time I spend writing and promoting the book with the Social media community. If you could see one of your stories made into a movie, which one would you pick and why? Well of Course I would Choose the Prophecy of the Water Sprite, but not just because it is my only story. But because it would make a great movie! It is written in multiple POV so it would be easy to change over to a screenplay script. How does your life experience influence your writing? I enjoy nature and animals, and I feel like that is conveyed in the story. I also have a deep sense of empathy, which I feel is a strong character trait, that I shared with the fictional characters in the book. Do you try to keep your stories within their pre-determined genres, or do you just tell the story your way regardless of genre expectations? I have only been reading for fun for a bit over two years, so I am sure I have some things that aren’t exactly to genre expectations. I would have to say due to this fact, I write my way. Do you listen to music when you write? If so, what kinds? Does music influence your stories? No. I find it hard to concentrate with more than the sounds of nature and my pets. Have you ever written a story based on a personal experience you had? If so, what was it about? Not yet. Though it does sound like a good idea to use personal experiences while writing. Do you let real-life events influence your work, or is there a ‘disconnect’ between your stories and world/national/local events? My story is set in Earth of another dimension, so I would have to say there is a disconnect in that aspect. Is your writing time planned out or structured? Do you go on writing ‘benders’? Definitely Benders. When the words flow, I get them out as best I can. What to you is the most rewarding aspect of being a writer? The most rewarding aspect is the finished story. If people read and like it even better, but I don’t expect the praise of it for myself. I would much rather they not know who wrote it specifically and just like the story itself for what it is. Who is your favorite author, and why? I don’t have a favorite author. I read a lot of different authors and they each have different styles which I like. i would get very bored if I only read one all of the time. That being said I do enjoy the way Shel Silverstein has creativity in his poetry, the graphic descriptions of Stephen King, and all of the Amazing Indie authors that write in the Reverse Harem Genre, there are such diverse stories and styles there is no way I could choose just one. If you could pick anyone to narrate one of your books, who would it be? I would have to choose two to cover the male and female voices. But aside from that I really don’t know. I personally would give it a try if I could get the right program and microphone. Which character of yours is your favorite? Why? Whom would you pick to play him/her/it in a movie? Oh, well...that is like picking a favorite pet. They are all my favorite for different reasons. Skyy because she is so Kind and innocent. Vale because he is intimidating in size, but that just means his heart is equally as big. Elio because of his determination and overbearing nature. Enlil for his playful attitude, and deep feelings. Morfran, because he is so good at being bad. Lastly, Araminta because she is like every mother, aunt, and grandmother in a way. Do you write when you take a vacation, or do you prefer to simply relax? I only have staycations! But if I were to take an actual vacation I would not write, I might read ...or I might not even do that. Do you prefer to read fiction that’s similar to what you write, or do you pick different types of stories? I personally have a very eclectic reading selection. I am a member of so many ARC Alpha and Beta teams that I rarely choose a book to read anymore. I don’t mind that one bit either, since half the battle is choosing what to read next! What’s one quirky thing about you that your readers might not know? I am sure they haven’t had the chance to get to know me too well just yet. But anyone who has a question for me is welcomed to ask. I don’t bite, unless you want me to. What’s your favorite movie? Why? My Favorites are The Princess Bride and The Labyrinth. I can recite them from memory and word for word while watching. They are just what I grew up watching, and absolutely loved the story they portrayed. A third place runner up would be Spaceballs, because it is absolutely ridiculously hilarious! Do you set up events to meet your readers, or is your interaction with them strictly online? I have attempted one live book signing, and I plan on doing more in the future. I just don’t know where to start with signing up for them and all of that hot mess. Plus I should probably have more than one book published before I commit to them. Have you ever had to exhaustively research something (say, history) for any of your books? Not as of yet. But I have the type of personality that I would want to make sure there are more things at one hundred percent correct than not. What’s a question I haven’t asked that you’d like to answer? I always find it fascinating that the majority of authors I ask say they do in fact talk in their sleep. I personally didn’t start doing this until I started writing, and I haven't figure out why either. But I think it is preJy cool that I share that affliction with other authors. My Next project is already under way and will be a Mash up of Urban Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Paranormal Reverse Harem. I hope the originality of the characters and the story line will be a breath of fresh air so to speak. Comments are closed.
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About the Author:S. K. Gregory is an author, editor and blogger. She currently resides in Northern Ireland. “Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” Archives
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