When Jess wakes up on the floor, with a head wound and no memory of how she got there, that's just the beginning. After seeing an apparition in her bathroom mirror, Jess starts to believe that her house is haunted. But by whom?Ghost is a novella available on Amazon. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ghost-Dani-Lyn-Alexander-ebook/dp/B00KFN24WO/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1404047552&sr=1-1&keywords=ghost+dani
You can check out her website at: www.danilynalexander.com Born to a wealthy family, Lydia Allison Cantrell appears to have everything going for her. But behind closed doors, things are not what they seem. For the past 4 years she has been abused by her father and ostracized by her peers. But all that is about to change, for Lydia has learned that she is pyrokinetic...and the world will burn with her vengeance.
Sam Reese's debut novel is available to buy on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Immolation-Sam-Reese-ebook/dp/B00KTOTVB6 Check out his Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8040726.Sam_Reese Title: Wizdom and Pandora: The Quest For The Blood Jewel
Author Name: K. M. Woodard Author Bio: A lifetime resident of the Washington, DC area, K.M. Woodard has always enjoyed the outdoors and loves to travel. After working 17 years with the MetLife Insurance Company, she pursued her career as a Federal Law Enforcement Agent with Homeland Security and has a Masters Degree in Criminology. A true Tolkien fan, her passion for medieval and ancient times and her personal travel adventures often inspire ideas for new books. Her active imagination and fascination with escaping reality to a world of enchantment, mystery and suspense has resulted in a series of novels sure to delight readers looking for fast-paced adventure at every twist and turn, interspersed with a smidgen of humor. Author Links - The link for any or all of the following... Website | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Linkedin | Goodreads | Amazon www.wizdomandpandora.com Facebook: Wizdom and Pandora Twitter: @wizdomandpandor Goodreads member/blog: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7380415.K_M_Woodard Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/Wizdom-And-Pandora-Quest-Blood/dp/1468538020/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400258256&sr=8-1&keywords=wizdom+and+pandora Giveaway - details for your giveaway for readers that follow your tour, be specific. You may pick offer prize of more than one. (eg:Ebooks, paperbacks, Swag or gift cards) Free pdf ebook copy Hosting Incentive: If offering an incentive (giveaway) for those that host your tour such as a gift card or free ecopy/paperback. Free ecopy for hosts J Pit Crew: Will you be offering a donation to our Street Team that will be helping promote your tour? (Ebook or signed copies are normal) ecopy J Rafflecopter: <a id="rc-1d8dec195" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/1d8dec195/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> <script src="//widget.rafflecopter.com/load.js"></script> Tags/Labels: Wizdom and Pandora, K.M. Woodard, young adult fantasy, young adult authors, fantasy authors, fantasy writers, virtual book tour café Book Genre: Young Adult/Fiction/Fantasy Publisher: Authorhouse Release Date: 10/30/2014 Buy Link(s): AMAZON: http://www.amazon.com/Wizdom-And-Pandora-Quest-Blood/dp/1468538020/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1400258256&sr=8-1&keywords=wizdom+and+pandora AUTHORHOUSE: http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000536911/WIZDOM-AND-PANDORA.aspx Book Description: Wizdom didn't know dragons really existed. He's never ridden a white woolly mammoth or flown on a griffin. He's never known a real king or a princess or been friends with a goblin. Wizdom's never seen elves that glow blue all the time. All he's ever known are his adoptive mother and his aunt Kayden. One day he finds himself in a secret world, face to face with dragons and fire monsters. He meets an interesting girl, Pandora, who he learns is no ordinary girl, just as he is no ordinary boy. Wizdom soon finds himself on a magical journey full of secrets, sorcery, danger and evil. He fights many fierce battles and faces certain death as his quest leads him on an adventure like never before as he discovers his true identity . . . or does he? Excerpt One (300-500 or so Words): Wizdom stared in awe, unconsciously holding his breath, as he looked up the endless staircase of gleaming black marble before him. The air around him was damp and musty and tickled his nostrils. Cobwebs hung overhead, dangling high above him from the towering ceiling. Perched at the top of the stairs was a large, golden dragon throne. Sitting on white marble, it was surrounded by statues of goblins, gargoyles and other strange creatures. They all stared back disconcertingly at Wizdom, some with tongues out, others with piercing eyes, bared teeth or pointed ears. The dragon’s head held its mouth agape, as if ready to devour him, revealing a long golden tongue jutting out and sharp pointed teeth. The arms of the throne were created by the front legs of the dragon and the claws made up the feet of the chair. A huge tail jutted out from the back of the chair and coiled around to the front like a sitting cat. Three spikes on the tail’s end glistened in piercing diamond shards. Giant wings stood out from the dragon’s back, poised for flight, black and shimmering like dark sapphires. Its eyes were large rubies, and its body was sprinkled in faceted jewels. Two spiraling horns jutted out from its head, over a foot of solid gold, with diamonds on the tips. Held within the horns shone an enormous crimson red stone, casting an eerie glow and dancing shadows over the stone statues surrounding it. What was this place? Where was he? He dared to move forward, ever so slowly, toward this great altar. His pulse racing, palms sweating, he paused momentarily, staring up at the dragon’s red gleaming eyes. As he approached the stairs, the dragon’s fiery eyes stared down at him unnervingly, as if it was alive, watching him. Wizdom wondered about how he had gotten there. How did he get here? He glanced around the great hall surrounding him. Flickering candles, sconces and torches aligned the walls of marbled stone. The ceiling was several stories high and great pillars supported the wooden arches above him. Shadows and darkness surrounded him, except for the faint glow of the iron torches, and the scarlet glow of the jewel radiating from the dragon’s crown jewel. He could feel some sort of power emanating from it as he stood there. It made him feel happy and safe, despite his surroundings. Suddenly, he saw movement out of the corner of his left eye. He looked quickly, but saw nothing. Turning to scurrying sounds to his right, he still saw nothing but black. Was he imagining things? Because of the obscuring darkness, he could not see very far, only as far as the torches lining the walls. He was only eleven but he was an adventurer and never scared and despite his current situation, he normally loved mysteries and secret places. Unconsciously, his pulse kept racing as the silence crept eerily around him… Excerpt Two (500-800 or so Words): At the end of the day as the sun burned bright red in the violet and crimson sky, they reached the edge of Saldor and were entering the Realm of Talagand. The land grew heavier and the ground underfoot was much rockier. There were colossal boulders strewn about, making it difficult for the mammoths to continue on, as they could barely fit between them. The mountains grew nearer and went high above the clouds, their jagged peaks thrusting sharply upward, almost unnaturally. Wizdom stared up at them having never before seen anything quite like them. They were truly imposing and creepy. As they traveled on, the clouds intensified as the sun tried to peek out between them. Suddenly, as they were walking, a loud roar was heard in the sky above them. “DRAGONS!” shouted Pandora hysterically. “Merle!” she yelled desperately. Quickly, Merle put up a force field, but there were too many dragons. There were nearly twenty all together. Pandora even recognized some of them. She had seen them in friendlier days, before Lord Bregolien had put them under his evil spell. They flew over head shooting fire and swooping down low trying frantically to grasp them in their deadly claws. One large, fierce, green dragon came very close to catching Rupert’s mammoth in its talons, but only managed to snatch a claw full of white hair. “Wow, did you see that, brother?” Rupert said excitedly to Merle. “He almost got me!” Suddenly, the same dragon came in for another dive. “Look out!” Rupert shouted to Merle. But Merle was ready. He had his force field up like a shield and Puck and Wizdom were right next to him on their mammoth, Puck joining forces to make the force field stronger. The dragon crashed into it with a loud thud before recovering and flying back to the rest of the dragons circling overhead, readying for another strike. As Wizdom, Puck and Merle recovered from the sonic boom created by the dragon’s impact on the force field, they realized all the woolly mammoths had turned and faced together in a circle, while their companions were still sitting on their backs. “Hold on!” Willow said to Wizdom silently. “Hold on!” he yelled to the others, as Puck looked at him frightfully…
![]() Nicky has just been released from jail. He has no job, nowhere to live and no one will give him the chance to prove himself. After being turned down for another job, he runs into Walker, a young woman who has been following him. When she offers him a job, he has little choice but to take it. He is soon sucked into a world he never knew existed, full of magic and strange creatures. To make things worse is ex shows up, and she's playing for the other team. Witty, well written and entertaining. Definitely worth reading. To find out more about the book and the author Jessica Roe check out: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Undone-Guardians-Jessica-Roe-ebook/dp/B00JE1OU66/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1403371427&sr=8-1&keywords=jessica+roe https://www.facebook.com/jessicaAroeauthor ![]() Facebook is hosting a Summer of Zombies Blog Tour featuring 30+ zombie authors. Running between June 1st and 30th, it is hosted by Armand Rosamilia. Melanie Karsak is the award winning author of The Harvesting. 10 Tips on Finding Love during the Zombie Apocalypse By Melanie Karsak, author of the award-winning novel, The Harvesting Finding love during a zombie apocalypse can be tricky, but with the right guidance, even you can find a way to make your heart soar while spattered in zombie goo. After all, Glenn and Maggie from “The Walking Dead” perfected the art. In my novel The Harvesting, Layla and Jamie find a way to make things work. What about you? When it all ends, could you find a new beginning? Maybe we can learn some lessons from these war-torn z-poc survivors. But how to you do it? Let’s take a look at 10 ways to find love during the zombie apocalypse: 10) Assume that Warm Bodies was a one-shot deal. Avoid coming on to the undead. 9) If you are lucky enough to find the right person, learn how to moan like a zombie. No more “to the heavens” chortles. If you learn to moan like a zombie, the undead are more likely to ignore you and you won’t get caught in any embarrassing positions. No one wants to run from zombies with their pants around their ankles. 8) Never miss an opportunity for a “safe sex zone.” You’ve just cleared out a bunker full of zombies and there is a really cozy closet down the hall away the rest of the group. What are you waiting for? 7) Reconsider your standards. Okay, maybe you didn’t love rednecks in your everyday life, but chances are that if there is a redneck about (male or female), they’ve got the chops to make it in the z-poc. It might be time to warm up. Git-r-done, y’all! 6) Get over hang-ups about hygiene: perfume, cologne, deodorant, a toothbrush, a shower . . . all things of the past. If you want to connect with someone over a can of dog food, you need to let go of your feelings about bad-breath. 5) You will likely be dead tomorrow. If you think he or she might be interested, just make a move. 4) Do not use protection (wait for it . . . ). Let’s set STDs aside for a moment and talk about pregnancy. Almost every movie and book assures us that if you get pregnant, your child will save humanity. The cure will be in their blood. While it would be very annoying to have a STD during the apocalypse, don’t let that crush the chance to save mankind. Don’t be selfish. 3) Examine your group. Are there any couples? No? Every story always depicts one “sweet” couple. If your group is currently lacking this couple, you and your partner might be able to take over this stock-character/relational role. Your “too sweet to kill” love story might just save you come z-day. Go ahead and try to have a real relationship. On the other hand, if you see your partner making eyes at others in your group, run away! Getting involved in a love triangle almost certainly spells death. 2) The rules of Zombieland suggest double-tap . . . and so do I. 1) Learn how to make love with your boots on and the safety off. I hope these 10 rules helped you get ready for all the zombie-lovin’ fun you can have. If you would like to learn more about how to survive during the zombie apocalypse, please check out my novel The Harvesting now available at Amazon.com! Find The Harvesting here: http://www.amazon.com/Harvesting-Melanie-Karsak-ebook/dp/B009GI3YBY Connect with Melanie Karsak: Blog: http://melaniekarsak.blogspot.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelanieKarsak Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorMelanieKarsak Email: [email protected] * * * * * The stench of rotting flesh is in the air! Welcome to the Summer of Zombie Blog Tour 2014, with 33 of the best zombie authors spreading the disease in the month of June. Stop by the event page on Facebook so you don't miss an interview, guest post or teaser… and pick up some great swag as well! Giveaways galore from most of the authors as well as interaction with them! #SummerZombie https://www.facebook.com/events/286215754875261/?ref_newsfeed_story_&source=1 AND so you don't miss any of the posts in June, here's the complete list, updated daily: http://armandrosamilia.com/2014/06/01/summer-of-zombie-blog-tour-2014-post-links/ ![]() 1) Tell us a little about your books. “UNEXPECTED GIFTS”: Can we learn from our ancestral past? Do our relatives’ behaviors help mold our own? In "Unexpected Gifts," that is precisely what happens to Sonia, a confused college student, heading for addictions and forever choosing the wrong man. Searching for answers, she begins to read her family’s diaries and journals from America’s past: the Vietnam War, Woodstock, and Timothy Leary era; Tupperware parties, McCarthyism, and Black Power; the Great Depression, dance marathons, and Eleanor Roosevelt; the immigrant experience and the Suffragists. Back and forth the book journeys, linking yesteryear with modern life until finally, by understanding her ancestors' hardships and faults, she gains enough clarity to make some right choices. Amazon: http://amzn.to/13ar2pa Book Trailer: http://bit.ly/18cSWUG “SEWING CAN BE DANGEROUS AND OTHER SMALL THREADS”: The eleven long short stories in “Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads combine history, mystery, action and/or romance, and range from drug trafficking using Guatemalan hand-woven wallets, to an Antebellum U.S. slave using codes in her quilts as a message system to freedom; from an ex-journalist and her Hopi Indian maid solving a cold case together involving Katchina spirits, to a couple hiding Christian passports in a comforter in Nazi Germany; from a wedding quilt curse dating back to the Salem Witchcraft Trials, to a mystery involving a young seamstress in the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire; from a 1980’s Romeo and Juliet romance between a rising Wall Street financial ‘star’ and an eclectic fiber artist, to a Haight-Asbury love affair between a professor and a beautiful macramé artist gone horribly askew, just to name a few. Amazon: http://amzn.to/1coUKMl Book Trailer: http://bit.ly/1g37MAb 2) How long did it take you to write your books? “Unexpected Gifts,” because there was so much research involved, took me a generous three years to write from start to finish. “Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads,” which was actually written before I attempted to write “Unexpected Gifts,” went through various stages: first draft, second draft, its desertion in a cabinet due to going back to school to become an ESL teacher, a revisit because of a friend’s encouragement, then several more drafts. In other words, this book was started and worked on for over a good fifteen years before it ever got published. 3) What is your favorite genre? And why? I like to write historical fiction mainly because I LOVE doing all the research, but as for my reading tastes, I’m pretty eclectic. I like psychological and political thrillers, murder mysteries, comedies, light weight romances, serious subjects, nonfiction and more recently, have gotten into some well written fantasies and science fiction. 4) Who inspires you? Rather than answer ‘who,’ I would have to answer ‘what’: perhaps something small which is a part of a bigger event; some trait in a character that I am drawn to from a movie or have read about in history; music that stirs my heart, soul, and mind; looking at a photograph and instantly thinking about the person and the surroundings. THESE are the things that endlessly inspire me. 5) What are you working on now? I’m getting together another collection of short stories for publication. Currently the manuscript is in the hands of various beta readers. I have also started working on an historical western romance, which happily puts me right smack in the old, Wild West, and smoldering in the wings, is a Civil War murder mystery/missing person’s story. My Bio: I have worn various hats in my life. Starting out as a classical/pop singer/composer, I moved on to the professional world of production art and calligraphy. Next came a long career as an award winning quilt artist/teacher and an ESL/Reading instructor. Currently, I am still teaching ESL part time, tutoring English, researching, writing, editing, and cherishing my family and friends to no end. Alas, my sewing machine, however, lies dormant off to one side of my studio. My short stories have been published in “descant 2008,” “Snowy Egret,” “Transcendent Visions,” “The Storyteller,” and “Down In the Dirt”. Unexpected Gifts, my debut novel, is currently available on Amazon, as is Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads, a collection of short stories. Both books are published by Mockingbird Lane Press My Social Media Links: Website: http://www.srmallery.com Twitter: SarahMallery1 https://twitter.com/SarahMallery1 Facebook: S.R. Mallery (Sarah Mallery): https://www.facebook.com/pages/SR-Mallery-Sarah-Mallery/356495387768574?ref=hl Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7067421.S_R_Mallery ![]() What happens to us after we die? Are we reunited with our loved ones? In The Waiting Room, Jude, a thirty year old man, is killed in a car accident. He awakens in a ‘waiting room,’ where the dead go before they move on to their next life. Except, Jude, isn’t moving on. He spends his time watching his wife Nina, wishing he could be reunited with her. From the variety of waiting room assistants including his friend Joe, he learns that people move on quickly. Everyone except him. Is he an anomaly? Or is his love for Nina keeping him there? Alysha Kaye creates an interesting concept on what the afterlife is like and how love doesn’t die. A thoroughly enjoyable book that makes you think. Highly recommended. The Waiting Room is out on July 1st 2014 and will be available to buy through Amazon. @alyshakaye7 https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlyshaKaye www.alyshakaye.wordpress.com |
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About the Author:S. K. Gregory is an author, editor and blogger. She currently resides in Northern Ireland. “Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” Archives
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