![]() C.L. De Leon is the author of The Genesis Project: Prophecy of the Seven. A self proclaimed obsessive reader, she tells us about her new book and who inspires her as a writer. 1. Tell us briefly about your book? The Genesis Project Prophecy of the Seven in my opinion is an apocalyptic (dystopian) book with romances brewing... If I had to relate it to a T.V. show or a movie I would say Revolution, Defiance, X-men and Hero's. TGPPOFS is set in present times where a militia of gifted or people with abilities rises up and over throws our government and set in it's place a monarchy who then hunt down those who were prophesied to generations ago to bring them down and rise instead. This prophecy is based on seven characters, all very important but one of them is more important than the rest. With out her they have no hope of winning, no hope of living. The entire world will fall into a darkness and there won't be a way out. 2. Where did the idea come from? Honestly, I was sick and had a super high fever (should have went to the E.R.) and had this dream like movie pop into my fever addled mind. LOL and thus the book was born. 3. What is your favourite genre and why? Fantasy anything. Romance, High, Low, Middle. I LOVE fantasy. When I was a kid I went through some really rough stuff and my books (fantasy) were my escape from the crazy that was in my life, books were the only consistent thing I had in my life until I was 19. 4. What writers inspire you? A lot! The one's I feel have influenced me the most are: R.A. Salvatore George R.R. Martain Addison Moore S.M. Reine L.J Smith Elizabeth Loraine Charlaine Harris Suzanne Collins Anne Rice Suza Kates C.E. Murphy James Patterson Steven King Dean Koontz Philippa Gregory Cassandra Clare Bella Forrest Dannika Dark Keira Cass Jessica Sorensen K Anne Raines Addison Kline S. Donahue 5. What's next for you in your writing? I'm currently working on book two which is more adult, sexual scenes and violence...you're really going to begin to see and understand the type of world that these characters are living in, and understand their ways and wants. You can check out her work on: http://clynndeleon.wix.com/cldeleon and on her blog: http://authorcldeleon.wordpress.com/ ![]() Sophia Chester is holding a kickstarter for her book- Cosmic Callisto Caprica & The Missing Rings Of Saturn- on July 1st. The book features Cosmic Callisto Caprica, or Cosmo for short, who has just been made a space detective. After her graduation ceremony, she goes out with friends to celebrate and is contacted by Captain Phobos, the captain of a luxury liner. He offers Cosmo her first job to investigate a robbery. I have read a sample of the novel and I enjoyed it. A lot of detail has gone into the creation of this world and the variety of aliens that inhabit it. Cosmo, though young, seems like a likeable and competent girl. The idea of a space detective is quite unique and I would love to read more. I wish Sophia the best of luck in her kickstarter and I am sure she will do well. For more information check out: https://www.facebook.com/CosmicCallistoCaprica and you can follow Sophia on Tumblr at:http://sophiaslittleblog.tumblr.com/ ![]() Author Haidji is promoting her novel Suicide Game. SG- Suicide Game is a metaphor about the society where persons almost kill themselves to achieve their goals and forget their dreams, but, in the book you will find also real love, friendship, loyalty, hope and an unexpected finale showing the good essence of the human seed. Eight thousand candidates sign up for the Suicide Game. Only one can win. Their destination is the Night Stadium: a place of makeup and music, fear and adrenaline, blood and romance, celebration and death. Each candidate has his or her own reason for entering the Game. The Council runs the Game. The outcome of the Game is left to fate…in the laps of the gods. The candidates will jump to their deaths in order to win everything, before capacity crowds in the Stadium. The public follows every jump, live on TV and mobile device screens, choosing their favorite candidates and betting on their lives. Who will win the game? Candidate 0907 – Moma – the terrorist? Candidate 1518 – Fabio Giovanni Cristiani – the cyclist? Candidate 3507 – Anthony Henrik Gustav – the lawyer? Candidate 4914 – Jens Plaato – the politician? Candidate 4918 – Sarah Mondstein – the career woman? Candidate 5151 – Bianca White – just a girl ? Candidate 7195 – The Scientist? …Or is it a completely different Candidate? The Game’s community also includes geeks, mafia, makeup artists, master chefs, models, musicians, spies, terrorists, and many others. It boldly imagines a place where death and denial are interwoven with hope, choices and the innate desire for happiness. Impressive in the totality of its vision, it is an exploration of the best and worst things in our lives, our nightmares, and especially our dreams. Haidji has been writing since she was twelve years old and is an accomplished artist. You can check out her goodreads page here: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7202532.Haidji ![]() Title: True Nature Author Name: Jessica Freely Author Bio: Jessica Freely can't resist a wounded hero. As a reader and a writer, her favorite stories are of soul mates finding redemption in each other's arms. Married to the love of her life in a beautiful relationship based on mutual goofiness, Jessica also warps minds as an instructor in Seton Hill University's Writing Popular Fiction MFA program. Her dog, Ruthie, doesn't seem to care that Jessica's an award-winning and best-selling author in multiple genres. She just wants to play tug of war with Jessica's pages. Author Links - Jessica Freely Online: Website & Blog: http://jessicafreely.com Amazon Author Page: http://amazon.com/author/jessicafreely Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/FYXLf Facebook: http://facebook.com/jfreely Twitter: http://twitter.com/jessicafreely Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1690113.Jessica_Freely Giveaway - $50 Amazon or ARe gift cert, winner's choice. Pit Crew: Ecopy of True Nature Rafflecopter Code: <a id="rc-1d8dec192" href="http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/1d8dec192/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway</a> <script src="//widget.rafflecopter.com/load.js"></script> Tags/Labels: True Nature, Jessica Freely, paranormal romance, gay romance, paranormal gay romance, romance, romance authors, paranormal romance author, virtual book tour café Book Genre: Paranormal Gay Romance Publisher: Loose Id Release Date: April 22 Buy Link(s): Loose Id Buy Link: http://www.loose-id.com/true-nature.html Book Description: Lake Clearwater--conservation officer and water spirit--has just been appointed guardian of Gem Pond by The Powers That Be. It's the first time in eight years he's had a real home and he's determined to protect it, even if that means hiding his attraction to his sexy new partner, Forrest Oakwood. Forrest is a native of the Gem Pond area and the guardian of its trees. He knows the land and its people are a crucial lynchpin in the natural order. He also knows that if he comes out, his boss in the DNR, Sgt. Dennison, will find an excuse to fire him. But ignoring his true nature was a lot easier before Lake Clearwater showed up. The man's a walking, talking wet dream. Meanwhile, local residents--human and animal alike--conspire to bring Lake and Forrest together. The land needs its guardians united and at their full power. Dennison wants to cut down the trees to make room for water slides and tennis courts. If Forrest and Lake don't embrace their passion for each other, they'll be unable to stop him and that would be a disaster, not just for Gem Pond but for the entire natural world. Excerpt One (300-500 or so Words): It was full dark and snowing by the time Forrest finished his report. He stood up with a groan and stretched his stiff muscles. Clearwater sat at the kitchen table, playing a game of solitaire. He looked up as Forrest entered and smiled. “Want some soup? I made it myself.” Forrest wandered to the stove and sniffed suspiciously at the simmering pot. It actually smelled pretty good. “What is it?” “Lentil.” “Vegetarian, right?” “Yeah. Doesn’t mean it’s not delicious. Here, let me get you a bowl. Sit down. What do you want to drink?” Forrest allowed himself to be herded over to the table. A few minutes later, Lake set a plate with bread and butter beside him, poured him a glass of milk, and set a steaming bowl of lentil soup before him. It was kind of like being a kid again only… Only Lake didn’t look anything like his mom. He sat down opposite Forrest now, tucking his long blond hair behind his ears. His green eyes gleamed as he waited for Forrest’s reaction. Forrest took a spoonful. Flavors of sage, rosemary, and garlic burst across his tongue, borne by the silken seduction of pulverized lentils. “Mmmmmm.” Lake sat back, looking like a bear with a piece of honeycomb. “Good, huh?” He nodded, but apprehension stole in upon him. “You trying to convert me, Clearwater?” Lake widened his eyes as if to feign innocence. “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Like hell. Forrest enjoyed the soup anyway. * * * * As he washed the dishes, Forrest’s thoughts returned to the events of the night before. He remembered Clearwater’s body stretched out in the bed, naked and tan, all long lines and flat planes. As he washed his supper dishes, his fingers tingled, remembering the silken texture of that warm, smooth skin. How he wanted to touch those rose-pink nipples, tease them, and watch them become erect, and then dip his head down, circling each one with the tip of his tongue as Clearwater’s gasps and moans of pleasure bathed his ears. “Think I’ll turn in early and do some reading,” Clearwater said. Forrest started, dropped the soapy bowl, and splashed water all over his shirt. Clearwater laughed. “Sorry.” “Just not used to having someone else around.” That should have been someone so hot around. Forrest fought to quell his burgeoning erection. Silence. Clearwater was still there. No footsteps announced his departure. But he didn’t say anything. What was he doing? Embarrassment and irritation doused Forrest’s libido, and he was able to turn around without humiliating himself. Clearwater stood in the doorway, staring at him. “What?” “Officer Riverbend… Not much of a talker?” The understatement forced a smile to Forrest’s lips. “You could say that.” Clearwater nodded. “I’ll try not to overwhelm you with my relentless chitchat.” “That’s not what I meant. I just… I don’t know. It’s just…” What was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he complete a sentence? “It’s a change.” “Yeah.” They stared at each other in silence. Forrest felt the stillness of the winter night settle around them. Suddenly Clearwater drew a deep breath and turned away. “Well, good night.” “Good night.” Forrest finished up the dishes. Yawning, he went into the bedroom and grabbed his PJs. Clearwater was already in bed. One rosebud nipple peeked out from beneath the blanket as he lay on his back, reading a book. No pajama top. What about the bottoms? Excerpt Two (500-800 or so Words): That night Forrest tossed and turned, unable to get the memory of Lake’s hand on his tree-penis out of his mind. Those soft, silken fingers stroking his rough bark. Powers That Be. “Can’t sleep?” Lake lay propped on one elbow. The blanket and sheet had slipped down, revealing a nipple. Forrest started. Could Lake tell what he was thinking? “Uh. Just restless, I guess.” “I’ve had a lot of experience with insomnia. Know what always worked for me?” “What?” Lake’s grin gleamed in the dim light from the window. “Jacking off.” Forrest blushed, grateful that the room was dark and his partner couldn’t see. “Screw you, Clearwater,” he said warmly. “That’d probably work too.” For a moment, Forrest froze, thinking his secret had somehow been discovered. Outside, a raccoon chittered in a nearby tree. Of course, Clearwater was joking. Obviously. Forrest threw his pillow at him. “You’re very helpful.” Clearwater had a laugh like freshwater splashing in a brook. He sat up and threw Forrest’s pillow back at him. Forrest caught it and stood. Not content with simply a ranged attack this time, he crossed to Clearwater’s bed and pummeled him with the pillow. “Ah! That’s it! You’re asking for it.” Lake grabbed his own pillow and used it as a shield. Then he got up on his knees on the bed and beat Forrest about the head with it. Forrest grabbed for the pillow, and Lake yanked on his arm. Forrest lost his balance and fell across the bed. Lake straddled Forrest’s stomach and pummeled him with the pillow. Laughing uncontrollably, Forrest tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. Despite his willowy build, Lake was strong and surprisingly heavy. Forrest whacked at him with a pillow. Lake grabbed it and wrested it from his grasp, sending it spinning across the room. He raised his own pillow to strike Forrest again, but Forrest intercepted it and got it away from him. He tossed it after the first one. Lake fell forward, catching himself with his hands braced on either side of Forrest’s head. Their laughter died away. A dip of Lake’s head or an arch of Forrest’s back would bring their lips together. Forrest panted, his pulse racing, his cock hardening. Could Lake feel it? Lake’s breath on his face was sweet and warm. Forrest trembled. He searched Lake’s face, looking for some indication, some sign as to whether or not he was the only one who desperately wanted to close the distance between them. Just as he was about to abandon all sense and go for it, Lake got up. He retrieved the pillows from where they’d landed near the door and handed Forrest his. “You really do need to get some sleep.” Forrest jumped out of Lake’s bed as if it were full of live coals. His face burning, he grabbed the pillow and stalked over to his bed. What had he been thinking? Of course Clearwater wasn’t interested in him that way. If he were, he’d never have made that joke about screwing. Outside, that raccoon chittered again. Forrest got into bed and faced the wall. He lay there, listening to Lake settle back in bed. Forrest’s cock was hard. It wasn’t going down either. His only hope of getting to sleep now was to take himself in hand. He waited until all was quiet on Lake’s side of the room and then slowly, silently, reached down and wrapped his fingers around his heated length. THAT HAD BEEN close. Lake lay in his bed, staring at the wall as he listened to Forrest bring himself to release. What was his partner thinking about? Was it possible Forrest was fantasizing about him? No. There’d been a moment there at the end where Lake thought he’d felt a connection. And he’d almost kissed Forrest. But then he’d seen the panic in the man’s eyes. Whether Forrest thought about men or women when he jacked off, it was pretty clear he didn’t think about Lake. What had possessed him to joke around like that? It was reckless, and he was lucky it hadn’t ended in disaster. He couldn’t let anything like that happen again. But Forrest had looked so hot spread out beneath him like that. Most guys, if they happened to be gay and happened to know Lake was gay, took one look at him and assumed he was a bottom. Not the case. Lake could switch if he had to, but he was much more comfortable, and skilled, topping. All of which was completely academic in this situation. Still, as Forrest’s breathing slowed and deepened and Lake rolled onto his side and reached down to take care of his own needs, it was Forrest that he thought of. ![]() I have signed up to become a host with VBT Cafe. I took part as an author last year and it was a great service. By becoming a tour host I can help promote other authors and improve their sales. The first author I have signed up to host is Jessica Freely on May 15th. Her book is called True Nature. Check out the blog on May 15th for full details. |
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About the Author:S. K. Gregory is an author, editor and blogger. She currently resides in Northern Ireland. “Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s.” Archives
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